"The Nasty Dan Show" is a cartoon I created in high school. It was written (and crudely drawn) in a late night talk show style loosely based on the fledgling "David Letterman Show". This was around 1982-1984 (I graduated from Godby High School, Tallahassee, in 1984.) Of course, at this age in a young man's (boy's) life humor starts at a base level and often does not rise beyond the sophomoric. "The Nasty Dan Show" was indeed most often intellectually pretentious, overconfident, but immature. I don't mean to imply, though, that today it is wholly different. The 21st century "Nasty Dan Show" topics and story lines do still originate from time to time along those same base and jejune levels of thought. Although, I do try to at least end my trains of thought along the more cultured, cultivated and sophisticated lines.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Muppets are awesome!

This is quite possibly the funniest video ever. Well, maybe not, but it certainly makes me smile and laugh every time I see it. (especially at 2:41.)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My current obsession

I picked up this magazine at Kinokuniya in NYC, my favorite store (next to Chamblin Bookmine, Jacksonville). One of the models for the magazine is Yukina Kinoshita. She is now my model current obsession.

Google Image search for Yukina Kinoshita.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Enough already!!

Hey America, could we please stop blaming President Obama for all problems that President Bush created!

Friday, February 20, 2009

We could use more kids like these

Read this article about a team who gave up points displaying the kind of sportsmanship many of our student athletes lack today, on and off the field.


Recently everyone, young and old alike, seems to be so preoccupied with what's in it for themselves, making themselves look good or saving face. I hope that parents will see more stories like this and realize the young men in the article are the ones that become the adults people look up to, not necessarily the ones that have the most stuff, look the best or has the biggest entourage.