"The Nasty Dan Show" is a cartoon I created in high school. It was written (and crudely drawn) in a late night talk show style loosely based on the fledgling "David Letterman Show". This was around 1982-1984 (I graduated from Godby High School, Tallahassee, in 1984.) Of course, at this age in a young man's (boy's) life humor starts at a base level and often does not rise beyond the sophomoric. "The Nasty Dan Show" was indeed most often intellectually pretentious, overconfident, but immature. I don't mean to imply, though, that today it is wholly different. The 21st century "Nasty Dan Show" topics and story lines do still originate from time to time along those same base and jejune levels of thought. Although, I do try to at least end my trains of thought along the more cultured, cultivated and sophisticated lines.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Family is gone

The family is gone. Gone to New York City. But I had to stay home. Again. I don't mind so much, I can get some things done without interruption, but I'm a little jealous cause they're going to the MOMA and my favorite Japanese store and I'm not.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to get much done cause I spent 2, 2andahalf days sick in bed. I did read several books, but not any sketching or drawing. Well I've got two more days though. I guess I better get out the brushes and get cracking.

My problem though is lately I've spread myself out to thin. Pursuing several different artistic directions all at the same time. Now I'm not sure what to do with myself. I need to pick one and stick to that direction for a while. But I can't decide which one. Choosing soon is of the essence because I only have two days left to be as messy and scattered as I need to be to get something accomplished and then clean up before they get back. This is not an ideal predicament for a Gemini to be in. One side will have to take over here in order to get the job. Hmm, but which one?

Friday, June 25, 2010

Hi neighbor. Would you "Like" my Facebook page?

Just created my Facebook page for the Nasty Dan Studios; something I'd intended to do for years now. Scanning photos, artwork, creating links, make sure they work, all the typing, blah, blah, blah... It's just a lot of initial work to get these things started you know. I hope you get a chance to check it out: search Nasty Dan Studios or click the new badge in the corner down there. :)