"The Nasty Dan Show" is a cartoon I created in high school. It was written (and crudely drawn) in a late night talk show style loosely based on the fledgling "David Letterman Show". This was around 1982-1984 (I graduated from Godby High School, Tallahassee, in 1984.) Of course, at this age in a young man's (boy's) life humor starts at a base level and often does not rise beyond the sophomoric. "The Nasty Dan Show" was indeed most often intellectually pretentious, overconfident, but immature. I don't mean to imply, though, that today it is wholly different. The 21st century "Nasty Dan Show" topics and story lines do still originate from time to time along those same base and jejune levels of thought. Although, I do try to at least end my trains of thought along the more cultured, cultivated and sophisticated lines.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

monday night set list

here is the set list i played for
jan-03-2005 10pm @ fuel in historic 5 points

night on bop mountian - chet baker
monkey baby - scissor sisters
chains of love - erasure
hear me out - frou frou
strange fruit - billie h
five years - bowie
no one knows - qotsa
when the shit hits the fan - circle jerks
posessed to skate - st
reunited - wutang
truckin' little momma
play that funky music
freaks come out at night - whodini
low rider - war
hot pants road - jbs
awa awa - wes
yeah ny - yyy
california waiting - kings of leon
candy man - cibo mato
volcano - damien rice
no suprises - radiohead
emerge - fischerspooner
crystalline green -
oh goddamnit - hothothot
gay bar - electric six
renegades of funk (crystal method) - ratm
busy child
under the c - nasty dan
big poppa - biggie
all i need - air
perfida - mel torme
learn chinese - jin
hand of doom - black sabbath
love removal machine - cult
magic carpet ride - crystal method remix
beer run - garth brooks
take a chance on me - abba
holler - spice girls remix
breathe - prodigy
alive & amplified - mooney suzuki
laura - scissor s
date w/ the night - yyy
are you gonna go my way
ride - vines
rhythm bandits - jr sr
gin & juice - gourds
psycho killer - talking heads
red dirt road - brooks and dun
southside - moby w/ gwen stefani
toxic - britney
johnny b goode - jimi hendrix
jump jive and wail - louis prima
kiss my irish ass - gbs
antmusic - adam ant
bling bling -
ever fallen in love -
plug it in -
mood indigo - duke ellington
i love this bar - toby keith